This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2-8
Soil Type: Well-drained loam, clay, sand
Water: Average
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Northern Gold Forsythia (Forsythia ovata) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2-9
Soil Type: Well-drained loam, sand, clay, or...
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate leadplant (Amorpha canescens) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2-9
Soil Type: Well-drained loam, sand
Water: Low to Average....
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Shrubby Cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2-8
Soil Type: Well-drained loam, sand, clay
Water: Medium...
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum trilobum) and hopefully, make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2-7
Soil Type: Well-drained loam, sand, clay
Water: Low...
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate saskatoon serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) and hopefully, make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2-7
Soil Type: Well-drained loam, sand
Water: Average
Exposure: Full...