This tree guide on Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) is meant to provide all relevant information for tree nursery start-ups out there.
Hardiness Zone: 2 - 6
Soil Type: Acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained and clay soils.
Water: Normal. Prefers...
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate White Elm (Ulmus americana) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2 - 9
Soil Type: Well-drained, Chalk,...
Featured Photo by Joanna Boisse / CC BY-SA 4.0
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Siberian Crabapple (Malus Baccata) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own...