This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Mountain Ash (Sorbus Americana) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2 - 6
Soil Type: Well-drained acidic,...
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Cork Oak (Quercus suber) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 8-10
Soil Type: Acidic, dry to...
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Weeping Willow (Salix babylonica) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 4-10
Soil Type: Acidic or alkaline....
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2 - 7
Soil Type: Acidic,...
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Tamarack Larch (Larix laricina) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2 - 7
Soil Type: Prefers wet,...
This guide is meant to teach you how to propagate Black Spruce (Picea mariana) and hopefully make it easier for you to sell them at your own nursery.
Hardiness Zone: 2 - 6
Soil Type: Acidic, mineral-rich...